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Towards the end of 2017, Bright Futures UK started working with The Royal Free Trust. We support the fantastic work their school currently offers, whilst creating programmes for inpatients and departments in the trust.

The Royal Free School helps young people rehabilitate themselves after time out for mental health illness, with the aim of getting them back into mainstream school. Bright Futures UK runs lessons for the school and creates programmes that can be taught in a fun and comfortable environment.

Queen Mary’s Hospital acts as a rehabilitation unit for eating disorder patients from the Royal Free. We run therapeutic programmes such as knitting and gardening to give young people an outlet to express themselves in a supportive and encouraging environment.


“Bright Futures UK meet the needs of an often-overlooked target group. They are flexible, creative and always responsive when it comes to working with young people who are currently, or have previously been, on roll at our school.


This has proven particularly invaluable in both extending our curriculum and outreach. We are really looking forward to developing our relationship with the team further and seeing how this young charity grows and develops in the next couple of years. We hope to be a key partner in their journey.”Alex Yates, Headteacher at The Royal Free School

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