Tutor House has some of the best tutors in London, we work with top tutors and educators. We believe, and always have believed, that education is for everyone. Tutor House was built on the principle that all children and students have the ability they just need help and support along the way. ‘We get by with a little help from our (tutoring) friends.’ We help children going for top schools, we help adults with dyslexia, we help teenagers with sever anxiety and we help students to retake their exams and get them into University. So, we thought, why not team up with a great Charity and get our great tutors to volunteer their services! Bright Futures UK are doing a truly amazing job. They are helping children all over the UK, they are working with hospitals to develop programs where children and adults can grow and enjoy learning.
We are very pleased to announce our partnership with Bright Futures UK, and we look forward to helping as many people as well can.
Tutor House is a London-based tutoring company. We are a 5-star rated tutoring agency. We specialise in high quality tuition for all levels and abilities, retake courses for GCSE, A-level and Pre-U, as well as support for home-schooling. We work with children with anxiety, depression and dyslexia, running tailored tutoring at our offices in central London. We also offer online tuition. Tutor House only works with the best tutoring in London and the UK, we pride ourselves on quality and experience. The Tutor House team interviews all tutors, checking their knowledge, DBS (background checks) and I.D. We make sure tutors are top of their game, know their stuff and have a good track record of improving grades and helping students.